
Who's who?

Local Authority Governors:
Mrs Valerie Royston (Chair of Governors)- Headteacher's Performance Management; Governor Training; Children in Care
Parent Governors:
Mr Ben Holt - Curriculum Committee; Science
Mr Mike McCandless - Finance, Personnel and Premises Committee; Information Technology; PE and Sports Premium
Community Governors:
Mr Chris Anderson Finance, Personnel and Premises Committee; Premises and Health & Safety
Mr John Harvey - Curriculum Committee; Literacy; Safeguarding; Whistleblowing; Safer Recruitment
Mrs Philippa Laval - Chair of Curriculum Committee; Numeracy; Safer Recruitment
Mr Philip Madeley - Chair of Finance, Personnel and Premises Committee; Headteacher's Performance Management
Mrs Susie Matthews - Finance, Personnel and Premises Committee; Creative Arts; Pupil Premium
Associate Member:
Mr Kevin Hewitt - Finance, Personnel and Premises Committee; Headteacher's Performance Management; Behaviour; SEND; School Council
Staff Governors:
Mrs Rachel Heffer (Headteacher)
Mr Ben Teasdale (Teacher)
Clerk to the Governing Body:
Mrs Julie Tayler