Below are the answers to some frequently asked questions. It is not an exhaustive list, therefore, if you have any further questions, please get in touch with the office.
How do I order uniform?
What do I do if I need to speak to my child's teacher?
We would advise you to speak to the teacher at the end of the school day after all the children have been dismissed. You can also make an appointment through the school office to see the class teacher or another member of staff. On Friday mornings each week we have an open class session between 8.45am and 9am. This is an opportunity for your child to share their work with you and for you to briefly touch base with your child's class teacher.
When do I need to drop my child off/collect them?
What do I do if my child is late?
Please take your child to the front desk so that they can be signed in. It is a statutory requirement that you give a reason for your child being late. We do understand that there are times when lateness cannot be helped due to, for example, a traffic incident, however, all lateness is recorded and if arriving late to school becomes a frequent occurrence, you may be contacted by the Educational Welfare Officer.
What do I do if my child is/will be absent?
Please notify the school in the morning of the absence in the case of illness. For all other planned absences, please complete the
New Absence Request form.
What do I do if my child needs medicine administered during the day?
If your child requires medicinal administration, please give the medicine to the front office with a completed
Administer Medication form.
When are the school holidays?
How do I order a school dinner?
We use ParentPay for school dinners. Please view the menu and access the ParentPay link
What should I put in my child's lunch box?
We understanding that ensuring that your child has a healthy lunch can sometimes be tricky. Please visit the
Change4Life page for some ideas.
Do you provide breakfast club and after school clubs?
In addition to a wide range of after school activity clubs the school provides a wraparound care service on the school site before and after school. The details for the
wraparound service can be found
How do I sign my child up for clubs?
For each half term, your child will receive forms giving details of the upcoming clubs. Please complete the forms and return them to school ASAP so that your child can attend. As clubs have a maximum number, we cannot guarantee a place for every child on every club they sign up for.
Can my child walk home alone?
Your child will need a 'Walking Pass' which is available from the front desk. We would recommend that walking passes are for the Year 5 and 6 pupils only.
What do I do if I need someone else to collect my child from school?
We understand that it is not always you who will collect your child. Therefore, please officially inform the school of any other adults (grandparents, friends etc.) that you would like to regularly collect your child. If there is a 'one off' collection, you will need to inform the office on the day. If an adult, who is not on the approved list, comes to collect your child, we will need to contact you.
How can I get involved with the school?
We encourage parents to get involved in various ways as volunteers, such as helping on school trips, hearing readers or getting involved with our range of Fabulous Friday activities. If you are asked to help or you would like to help, please go to the school office to complete the volunteer application form. Please note, part of this process of becoming a volunteer will require a DBS check.
Friends of Perran-ar-Worthal are a group of parents that support and organise fundraising events for the school. We encourage parents to get involved whenever they can.
Can my child bring toys into school?
We encourage children to use the equipment in school rather than bringing in their own toys. This avoids any upset when a personal toy may become lost or damaged.
What is Fabulous Friday?
Fabulous Friday is unique to Perran-ar-Worthal! We run a whole school approach to specialist teaching on a Friday where the children are taught in their year groups and rotate every half term through a series of creative and enrichment curriculum workshops.
How will I know how my child is getting on?
There will be three scheduled pupil progress meetings throughout the year as well as an end of year report. The children in EYFS will be monitored using the online journal, Tapestry, and Year 1 - Year 6 children will be tracked using a specific numerical system. You child's class teacher will be happy to explain the assessment system to you at your child's termly progress meeting.
What is the current Ofsted grading for the school? And when is the next inspection?
In 2017, Perran-ar-Worthal was awarded 'Good' following the inspection. Perran-ar-Worthal has recently been inspected and we hope to publish the report very soon. You can read our latest Ofsted report
On the Curriculum Overview, I can see that there is Year A and Year B. What year are we in?
This academic year (2021-22) is Year B. Therefore, next year (2022-23) will be Year A.
What do the various acronyms in education stand for?
AfL - Assessment for Learning
CAMHS - Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service
CP - Child Protection
CPD - Continuing Professional Development
DBS - Disclosure and Barring Service
DfE - Department for Education
DSL - Designated Safeguarding Lead
DDSL - Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead
EAL - English as an Additional Language
EHCP - Education Health and Care Plan
ELG - Early Learning Goal
EYFS - Early Years Foundation Stage
FSM - Free School Meals
HLTA - Higher Level Teaching Assistant
HMI - Her Majesty's Inspectorate
IEP - Individual Education Plan
INSET - In-Service Education and Training
LEA - Local Education Authority
LAC - Looked After Children
LMT - Leadership and Management Team
KS1 & KS2 - Key Stage 1 & Key Stage 2
NQT - Newly Qualified Teacher
Ofsted - The Office for Standards in Education
PP - Pupil Premium
PPA - Planning, Preparation and Assessment
QTS - Qualified Teacher Status
SATs - Standard Attainment Tests
SCITT - School Centred Initial Teacher Training
SEF - School Evaluation From
SEND - Special Educational Needs and Disabilities
SENco - Special Education Needs Co-ordinator
SIP - School Improvement Plan
SLT - Senior Leadership Team
S.M.S.C - Social Moral Spiritual and Cultural Education
TA - Teaching Assistant
TIS - Trauma Informed Schools
VLE - Virtual Learning Environment
Below are the standards for assessment that we use:
GDS - Greater Depth Standard
EXS - Expected Standard
WTS - Working Towards the Standard
GLD - Good Level of Development (EYFS)